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  • 06-042013

    A Cultural Trip: Dreamy Angkor

        On January 17, 2013, all the staff of Xina international began a 6-day visit to Cambodia.      All of us assembled at the airport at 6:30 a.m. on January 17, and then departed from Hefei by plane,...

  • 06-042013

    Advance In the Constant Break - Through

           Anhui Xina International Trading Co., Ltd held Year-End Review & Commendation Meeting 2012 at 15:00 o’clock p.m. on February 28, 2013.      The meeting chairman, Vice Preside...

  • 09-142012

    thailand customers visit our company

          On the afternoon of September 11, 2012, Agriculture Department warmly received Ms. U-sa company from Thailand Intersorted.    Accompanied by our staff Ms. U-sa company visited the color sorting m...

  • 09-102012

    2011 Annual conclusion and awards meeting of

    In the afternoon of March 31, 2012, the 2011 Annual conclusion and awards meeting was held in the multi-purpose hall, it was hosted by vice president Mr. Zhaling and all staff of the company participated in the meeting. At the beginning...

  • 09-062012

    Visit Hefei Children's Welfare Institute,

      To respect the old and cherish the young and help the weak and the disabled is  traditional  virtue of Chinese nation , and also precious spiritual treasure inherited from predecessors. On Aug.28th, 2012, Chairman Lee of l...

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